2009年12月12日 星期六

The Next Coffee Master is You!

Today we are going to understand another coffee appliance- French Press.

The reason why French Press will become popular is not only it is sold by Starbucks, but also it is really easy to handle. As a result, many smart businessmen have invented some easy-carrying French Press which also can keep warm. It’s very convenient when you go on a travel. If you want some hot coffee, the only thing you have to do is to borrow hot water and you can enjoy your coffee.

Let’s learn how to use French Press and try it by yourself!

First, put some hot water in the glass and the most appropriate temperature is 85 to 90. After that, put in your coffee powder and stir it to well mix with water.

Second procedure is to wait. However, when do I know my coffee is well extracted? You have two ways to choice: first is to wait for about 2 to 3 minutes (if you wait for too long, then the coffee may be to bitter to drink), and the second is to observe the powder. If the powder of the surface is dry, it means you have to stir it again and do the next step.

The next step is to push the stick to percolate our coffee. Guess what! Our coffee is finished! Look, the steps are really easy. The most beautiful thing French Press can give you is that even you are a tenderfoot, you can make wonderful coffee. Unlike the syphon and percolator, everyone can enjoy the nice fragrance and good tasted coffee.

If you don't like the feel in your mouth which has small coffee powder, you can percolate before you drink. In average, French Press is the easiest one to handle because the flavor won't change a lot such as syphon and percoalator. You don't need to be a skilled or experienced coffee maker, but you can be a coffee master by using French Press!

2009年12月11日 星期五

A Waltz With Chocolate and Coffee

What’s Mocha? Mocha Coffee means chocolate coffee which comes from Latte Coffee. Nowadays, when we mention “Mocha”, it can be black coffee whose beans are chocolate brown from Yemen or iced Floral Formula Coffee with chocolate.

For example, the most common way to make Mocha Coffee is one third of Café Espresso and two thirds of foamed milk and definitely will add some chocolate which usually appears in thick liquid. Moreover, you can put some cotton candies or cream to decorate and these little materials can make the flavor of coffee become more attractive and thick.

Also, some places will change black chocolate into white chocolate. White chocolate also can place milk because of the color. By the way, there is another interesting creation which adds both black and white chocolate. The coffee is just look like “zebra”, so it has a funny name, Tuxedo Mocha.

Actually, I like to drink Mocha, too. Because it has added some chocolate, the flavor is richer and even much sweeter. Ever time when I tired of the flavor of Latte Coffee, I will make one by myself or order one. Mocha is very common and it’s also suitable for those who are afraid of too heavy coffee flavor. Next time when you go to a coffee shop, order one and try.

2009年12月6日 星期日

When Espresso Crashes on Creations- Floral Formula Coffee

What is Floral Formula Coffee? Actually, espresso which is thicker coffee adds many different drinks such as wine, milk, tea, cream, or other special seasonings. The reason why Floral Formula Coffee so popular is because the different ideas are added into coffee. You can create your own coffee by putting special seasonings. There is no bounder within it, and the only thing we have to do is to have the experimental spirit. Let me show you some classical Floral Formula Coffee below which has been popular for hundreds of years.

The first one is Irish Coffee (愛爾蘭咖啡). There is a novel taking about the love story behind Irish Coffee, and if you are interesting in it, google “Irish Coffee.” The first step is to add some whisky and sugar in specific glass and heat it. After sugar melts, add in hot coffee and put some cream on the top of the cup. The feature is Irish Coffee has obvious wine flavor and usually gentlemen like it very much.

The second one is Royal Coffee (皇家咖啡). It is said that Napoleon’s favorite coffee is Royal Coffee. The way of doing it is first use Blue Mountain Coffee or Blue Mountain Blend as espresso and put some sugar on a small spoon. Second, sprinkle some brandy on the sugar and fire. It also has the feature of obvious wine flavor but it has more vision enjoy.

2009年12月5日 星期六

The Most Luxurious Enjoy- Blue Mountain Coffee

I believe many of you have heard about “Blue Mountain Coffee” and even tasted it. However, do you know what you drink is not pure Blue Mountain Coffee?

Actually, the world famous Blue Mountain Coffee is from Jamaica’s Blue Mountain and it is also name by the place it comes from. The reason why the mountain has such a beautiful name was that an England soldier was astonished by the mountain covered by blue sunshine.

Many people are fascinated by the unique flavor of Blue Mountain Coffee. One of the important elements is about the location and climate. Blue Mountain has fertile volcanic soil, the air is fresh without pollution, and it has a lot of rain. Moreover, clouds offer shadows for coffee trees which can make the flavor and fragrance be more outstanding. Seriously, only the coffee beans from the height over 1800m can be called “Blue Mountain Coffee” or others are just “Jamaica High Mountain Coffee.”

It is said that pure Blue Mountain Coffee mixes sour, bitter, sweet, and other flavors together perfectly to another extremely alluring and elegant fragrance. It is a superb high level that other kinds of coffee are so far behind to catch up. Also, Blue Mountain Coffee is usually tasted in black coffee, and it conforms to modern health concept because of its low caffeine.

In fact, Blue Mountain Coffee is very expensive because it is rare. What we taste everyday usually are Blue Mountain Blend or Blue Mountain Style which are created to imitate the flavor of pure Blue Mountain Coffee. Although I introduce you this one terrific coffee, I haven’t had a cup of pure Blue Mountain Coffee yet and it is hard to be found in Taiwan, actually.

2009年12月2日 星期三

Sweet Memory

Every time when I go to Starbucks, I will order Caramel Macchiato. (焦糖瑪奇朵) Caramel means scorched sugar which is put on Macchiato meaning mark in Italian. How beautiful the name is, and so does it taste.

However, it is different from its name, the origin is very simple. It is said that a coffee maker always forgot the coffee was made for whom and one day he decided use caramel to make a mark on it. Surprisingly, it became a popular coffee nowadays.

The way to make Caramel Macchiato is also simple. First, add some syrup into the bottom of the glass. You can chose to any flavor of syrup you like such as hazelnut or vanilla, and it’s up to you to add how much. Second, add three forth milk in it and other one forth foamed milk. After that, put espresso in it and mark with caramel. See, it is easy to make a cup of Caramel Macchiato.

In fact, someone said that the coffee is invented for those who are afraid of drinking espresso. As a result, they use a little milk, foamed milk, and caramel to make espresso much easier to drink.

Actually, I like Caramel Macchiato very much because espresso has more percentage in it. When you taste the bitter of espresso and the sweet of caramel, they combine together softly and make you think of some memories. It will be a kind of enjoy for me drinking a cup of Caramel Macchiato and reading a novel in Starbucks whole afternoon.

It has different flavors in both hot and cold!

2009年12月1日 星期二

Milk Fascinates with Coffee

Today, I’m going to introduce you a popular drink- Latte Coffee.

First, Latte Coffee (拿鐵咖啡) is one of coffees with milk and it is different from Café au lait (咖啡歐蕾).
Actually, Latte is Italian which means milk. Maybe someday you will have a chance to visit Italy and also want to take a break at open-air café, and then you order a cup of Latte from the waiter. The waiter probably will give you a cup of hot milk instead of Latte Coffee you want. Well, you can’t argue with him and the only you can do is to blame yourself why you forget to add the word “Coffee” after Latte. As a result, Latte just means Milk in Italy.

However, you may ask me what is Lait? In fact, Lait is French. The difference between Latte coffee and Café au lait is the quantity of milk. In common says, Latte Coffee is milk in coffee whose coffee quantity is higher. For example, when you drink strawberry milk, actually you drink milk but the flavor is strawberry.

On the contrary, Café au lait is coffee in milk. Take condensed milk and strawberry for example, coffee is condensed milk and lait is strawberry. When you eat the desert, you eat strawberry but the flavor is condensed milk.

Now, you can differ Latte Coffee from Café au lait. Also, have you ever thought about why the titles don’t have milk in it but actually both of them adding milk? Well, it is just about the names which are so local that hard to attract customers.

Below I will offer you a recipe for doing a cup of Latte Coffee easily.
First, the percentage of milk, foamed milk, and coffee is 2:2:1.
You can use espresso as base and add milk after that. If you want to drink Café au lait then you don’t need to add famed milk. An easy but good taste Latte Coffee is finish!