2010年4月8日 星期四

Welcome to Summer Palace!!--part ll


Now, we keep visiting the spectacular palace. The next spot was the Long Corridor(長廊) whose length is 728 meters. It also had four pavilions during the whole way. The four pavilions named Liu Jia(留佳),retaining the goodness, Ji Lan (寄瀾), living with the ripples, Qiu Shui (秋水), autumn water, Qing Yao (清遙),clear and far means four seasons. The Long Corridor is not only famous for the length but also the artwork more than ten thousand. It was richly decorated with paintings on the columns and ceilings including famous plots and characters in books such as The Tale of Peach-Blossom Land (桃花源記), Five Tiger Generals (五虎將), beautiful sceneries, ancient poetry, Chinese mythologies, and so on.


Next we went to the Marble Boat, also known as the name: Qing Yan Fang (清宴舫). The Marble Boat symbolized the stable of country politic and hoped the emperor rule the whole country peacefully. Actually, the Marble Boat was another pavilion in the Summer Palace.


The last one was the 南湖island which located in the southern of the 昆明lake and had a fake mountain on the island. I thought the seventeen-arch bridge was interesting because it had 544 stoned-lions with different vividly looks. It also had temple on the island named 龍王廟 which was used to pray for raining.



Actually, I couldn’t introduce you all spot in the Summer Palace because we had to pay extra money if we wanted to go into some famous spots such as 德合園大戲樓 and the Temple of Buddhist Virtue (佛香閣). After visiting the Summer Palace, I could image ancient emperors and his family living style. In fact, I thought they were luxury and they used a lot of ways to pray for good luck and peace. For example, they preferred to decorate the roof with bats because bat-sound was near “福” in Chinese or they arranged many vases inside the house for the sound “平安”.
According to above examples, I felt that they lived actually without the sense of security because they worried a lot about losing the position of ruling people. Although the structures were really amazing and admired, I thought lived in these buildings were cold because the palace had changed so many times that made the atmosphere indifferent.

2010年4月2日 星期五

Welcome to Summer Palace!!--part l

It was a really cold day that my friends and I decided to have a memorable adventure by ourselves who had been to Summer Palace first time. First, we chose the subway to be our transportation. It was convenient to find the signpost of Summer Palace when you walked out the station. Walking about ten to fifteen minutes, we found the entrance.



We found a tour guide to help me understand better about the Summer Palace because it is too big for us to walk around by ourselves. I thought we might get lost in it easily. It was easy to find a tour guide who always got together around the entrance to ask you needing a tour guide or not.


The Summer Palace is famous for the Kunming Lake(昆明湖) and the mountain(萬壽山). There too many palaces in the Summer Palace to introduce all of them to you, so I choose some famous and interesting to you. Here I have to say sorry to you that it’s not easy for me to find out the English name of these buildings and locations in the Summer Palace, so I will use Chinese to show the names.

The first one is 仁壽殿 that the emperor handled the politics, but Empress Dowager Cixi (慈禧太后) usually listen to the court here in the Qing Dynasty.



The second one is Could-Dispelling Hall(排雲殿) which is used as a place for celebrating Empress Dowager Cixi ‘s birthday or holding some ceremonies. The whole place including the buildings is extremely luxury because it was build with a lot of jades and precious stones. The main hall of the Could-Dispelling Hall is the highest place of the Summer Palace.


Next we were going to the center of the mountain- the Temple of Buddhist Virtue (佛香閣). It is the biggest building in the palace and it had an octangle construction which was decorated with green edges and yellow Lazurites. Empress Dowager Cixi went here for worshiping Buddhist monthly.



TO be continue...